Six Directions

Brian Yatsattie Six Directions Set. 3 3/4" x 1 1/2" #RL52


Brian Yatsattie six directions fetish carving set
This impressive set of six directions animals was carved in antler by Brian Yatsattie, Zuni. Each creature, eagle, wolf, mountain lion, mole, badger and bear, stands erect and appears to be wrapped in a robe with a feather motif.
Six pieces - Tallest = 3 3/4" x 1 1/2" RL52

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Additional Info

Brian Yatsattie's Six Directions sets are very impressive.
He cloaks the six directional animals, based on Zuni protective
fetish traditions, in "robes" carved with Zuni designs.

They are not inexpensive as sets, but considering the price
includes six carvings, the cost per animal is very reasonable.
And they are unique art objects with deep Zuni symbolism,
carved from fallen antler, making them valuable additions
to any Zuni carvings collection.

Please note: They may be purchased with monthly payments,
using our no-fee Collector's Club layaway plan.  For more
information, click here.