Every year, we travel to New Mexico and have the pleasure of visiting with our featured artists. Having this personal relationship with our artists allows us to bring you the very best and unique fetish carvings and Native American jewelry. Please enjoy the videos below and learn more about our artists and what motivates them.
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An interview with Zuni Pueblo fetish carver, Burt Awelagte, concerning his carvings and what motivates them. See more of his carvings here.
Brian Yatsattie discusses his carvings. See more of Brian's Zuni carvings here.
Cochiti carver Salvador Romero discusses his carvings and his life as a carver.
Dee Edaakie discusses his carving inspiration. To see examples of Dee Edaakie's Zuni fetish carvings, visit
A few years ago, Lena Boone brought us a pair of carvings of which she was very proud. They were described as altar carvings by her ephew, Robert Michael. This was some of his first work, emulating the carving done by Lena's grandfather, Teddy Weahkie, one of the first Zuni fetish carvers.
Todd Westika tells us about an unusual project - creating a custom chess set for a deployed US serviceman.