Rodney Laiwakete Zuni bear fetish carving.
Heartlines typically start near the animal’s mouth, where the breath of the creature captures spiritual strength, and extend into the center of the carving. They frequently end with an arrow point, although sometimes they don’t have that feature.
Please note: a small intrusion on the undecorated side of the carving. This was an imperfection in the original stone material and does not affect the side of the carving with heartline inlay. It was not damage from the handling of the bear.
Rodney Laiwakete Zuni bear fetish with 3 inlaid heartlines. 3 1/2" x 3 1/2 #RJ94
Sale Price:$350.00 Original Price:$400.00
Rodney Laiwakete Zuni bear fetish carving.
Zuni Rodney Laiwakete carved this Zuni fetish from black marble, with three inlay heartlines.
Bears are a favorite subjects for Zuni fetish carvers. As a principal animal in the Zuni cosmos of six directions they are believed to have healing powers and great affect as hunters/protectors of the West.
The late Kent McManus, about as expert about Zuni fetish as anyone and author of highly regarded books on the subject, estimated that bears have been the most popular subject among Native American carvers.
McManus’s “A Guide to Zuni Fetishes & Carvings” includes a carving by Rodney Laiwakete, although it is not a bear. It is a rabbit.
It’s worth pointing out that one of the almost trademark features of a carving by any of the Laiwakete’s is the inlaying of multiple heartlines on one side of the animal. And they are very good at it, as evidenced by the 3 heartlines on this Rodney Laiwakete bear.
Heartlines typically start near the animal’s mouth, where the breath of the creature captures spiritual strength, and extend into the center of the carving. They frequently end with an arrow point, although sometimes they don’t have that feature.
Stop for a moment to consider the skill and sensitivity it must take to inlay turquoise or coral into a stone that is often very hard to start with. The sheer delicacy of this act, which can destroy an otherwise perfect carving, is reason enough to infer supernatural values.
ZuniLink will ship this Rodney Laiwakete bear FREE to any address within the 48 mainland United States.
Please note: a small intrusion on the undecorated side of the carving. This was an imperfection in the original stone material and does not affect the side of the carving with heartline inlay. It was not damage from the handling of the bear.
3 1/2"" x 3 1/2" x 1/2" ~ RJ94