Loren Tsalabutie bear fetish carving.
The date is fuzzy in my mind. Our records say it was 2010. But the event is as clear as if it was yesterday, when Loren Tsalabutie presented some of his first production in a Santa Fe Indian Market booth shared by Gibbs Othole.
I think Jeff would have approved.
Zuni Loren Tsalabutie travertine dancing bear fetish carving.3 1/4" x 1 3/4" #RN53
Loren Tsalabutie bear fetish carving.
An Afghanistan travertine bear fetish carving by Loren Tsalabutie, Zuni. This was one of Loren Tsalabutie's first projects after inheriting his father's legacy. Loren Tsalabutie proudly signed it on the underside of one foot.
Jeff Tsalabutie was one of the most promising young fetish carvers at Zuni when he was tragically taken from us in an automobile accident. Shortly thereafter, his son, Loren took up the carver’s tools.
Loren was also mentored by Gibbs Othole, a master carver in his own right, who accepted the responsibility of replacing Jeff as Loren’s carving coach.
The date is fuzzy in my mind. Our records say it was 2010. But the event is as clear as if it was yesterday, when Loren Tsalabutie presented some of his first production in a Santa Fe Indian Market booth shared by Gibbs Othole.
The work was both obviously a beginner’s and yet apparently inspired by Jeff’s cheerful approach to carving. It sold quickly. I was lucky to get there when there was still some of Loren’s fresh work available. With an approving high sign from Gibbs, Loren agreed to sell us two pieces. This was one of them.
I think Jeff would have approved.
3 1/4" x 1 3/4" x 1". #RN53