Who is A.C.? We're not certain. But those are the initials on this angular frog. Could be Adrian Cachini. It's carved in Dolomite with inlayed turquoise eyes. Don't you love the way that the natural color of the stone helps define the shape?
Zuni Frog Fetish AC. 1 1/2" X 1" #H543
Who is A.C.? We're not certain. But those are the initials on this angular frog. Could be Adrian Cachini. It's carved in Dolomite with inlayed turquoise eyes. Don't you love the way that the natural color of the stone helps define the shape?
ZuniLink acquired this frog fetish carving by a once-known Zuni carver in 1996 from the Southwest Connection in Albuquerque, NM.